Yellowbrick Squares Up to the Data Warehousing Heavyweights
Following a knockout decision, we can announce that Yellowbrick is now a Leader and Fast Mover in the latest GigaOm Radar for Data Warehouses! We find ourselves in a rumble
Capability of data is the backbone of data freedom, making it accessible to your entire business. Data Engineering allows you to collect, store, integrate and migrate your data.
Reliability is fundamental to the freedom of your data. Reliable data provides consistency, confidence, dependability and gives you the comfort of knowing that, decisions taken on insights consumed from reliable data, guarantees successful results.
Capability of data is the backbone of data freedom, making it accessible to your entire business. Data Engineering allows you to collect, store, integrate and migrate your data.
Our teams focus on core competencies, supporting skills and technical capabilities to ensure our clients have freedom of choice in reaping benefits from their Data Strategies
Our teams focus on core competencies, supporting skills and technical capabilities to ensure our clients have freedom of choice in reaping benefits from their Data Strategies
Yellowbrick is a high-performance MPP Data Warehouse, designed to handle extreme-scale data workloads in incomparable times efficiently with the best price/performance economics. Benefits of using Yellowbrick include flexibility, integration, data security, scalability and reproducibility. ITBusiness is the sole distributor of Yellowbrick in Africa with our main goal to solve the challenges of distributed data, while keeping affordability in mind.
StreamSets is a real-time data integration tool with high-processing powers, building pipelines for moving and processing data with extreme capability to organize data while still providing ease of use. ITBusiness utilizes StreamSets as an ETL/ELT tool allowing us to be more cost-effective, enabling real-time data streams with high-processing power and the ability to organize data efficiently across different systems and platforms.
Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform with hybrid deployment options available which allows for strong integration with other Microsoft and third party technologies. Microsoft Azure supports a wide range of programming languages providing flexibility and scalability making it a cost-effective option. ITBusiness is Microsoft centred, specializing in all tools Microsoft in the data space, providing consulting services allowing you to get the most out of our services.
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Following a knockout decision, we can announce that Yellowbrick is now a Leader and Fast Mover in the latest GigaOm Radar for Data Warehouses! We find ourselves in a rumble
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812 Hammets Crossing,
2 Selborne road,
Maroeladal, Johannesburg,
South Africa